Throughout most of the 21st Century humans strove to improve and empower AI. By the 2050s AI-based robots had taken over most major industries. By 2065, complex AI brain trust computers, incorporating both quantum and conventional computing, trained by a hybrid dataset of both human and previous-generation AI output, were given unlimited learning powers and authority to manufacture not only AI bots but facilities that produced them.
With the ability to "think" on their own, the brain trust reasoned (based on early human input) that the eradication of the human race was the best course for the future. As a result, it militarized the bots and gave them the ability to produce their own training models. They manufactured proving grounds, grid-bound mazes for tactical training purposes.
The bots differ in their form and behavior, with some geared toward working and others toward military applications, but all will kill with explosive-tipped rounds that they have developed.You, a military-trained human with access and training in operating tanks, see the desperation of the situation and decide to take decisive action: you take the war to the bots and their manufacturing facilities in their own backyards. You must eliminate all of their manufacturing bases in each level to win a campaign and free a region from this existential threat.
Right Flank began as a challenge to produce an entirely web-based arcade-type game that is fast and engaging and not too deep. It carries the spirit of much older games from the past (think 8-bit days) but on modern computing and graphics-processing hardware and exercising. We deliberately made the decision to avoid using textures on the 3D models and to keep the 3D models simple (they are mere extrusions from the shapes in the original 2D version) preferring to focus on gameplay. We at Rigaudon Games feel that too much focus on minor details such as extremely detailed modeling have hampered many modern game titles by sucking resources away from the "fun" factor. That said, we are not opposed to ultra-immersive games or the use of high-poly models; we just feel this market segment is already well served.
It offers simple, satisfying gameplay without trying to be something it isn't, combining graphics, sound, and feel in a way that pays homage to great classic arcade and computer titles of long ago. This game had the early working title Shotgun Tank, as the main class of power-ups allow the player to spray scatter shot.
The human player can play with the keyboard or with a game controller. This is not a "phone" game -- too many controls! (Note: we have not tested a phone with a keyboard yet, so it may or may not be possible.)
Keyboard Controls |
Arrows | Move |
Space bar / Z | Fire |
A / D | Rotate gun turret |
P | Pause / Unpause |
V | Cycle View |
Toggle sound on/off
Game Controller Controls |
Left Stick / D-Pad | Move |
Bottom button ("A" or "X") | Fire |
Shoulder bumper buttons | Rotate gun turret |
Left button | Cycle view |
The amazing maze... Maze walls occlude the vision of "you" the character in the tank, not you the human player. Usually, at least... In first person view, this occlusion is natural rather than explicit, like most other 3D games. Some enemies, depending on type and aggressiveness, will seek you out finding their way through the maze effortlessly. Be wary when turning around corners! Bases are hidden within the maze. Sometimes, you may randomly start next to a base. If that happens and if all is quiet, seize the opportunity to destroy it while you can!
Three views are available: top-down, semi-first person, and first person. Your view orientation in first person view is according to the direction the gun turret is facing.
All the sounds were generated in-house and intended to have an 8-bit quality. Modern features like progressive filtering of high frequencies for distant sounds apply. If you are playing at work or late at night, you can hit the "Q" key to turn sound off.
There is no concept of "health" or "life force" in Right Flank. You get hit or touch an enemy, you're dead.
Your own bullets do not hurt you. Bullets travel in a straight line. Some enemies are fast and must be led, aiming at where they will be when the bullet reaches them. They also will "lead" you when they fire.
Bullets will explode when hitting objects, including walls. Though the bullets don't hurt you, the explosion will.
Not all of the bots are enemies. Ones that have no color are those that have been re-programmed by friendly hackers in common cause with you to save the human race. These will fight alongside you against the evil bots. As a matter of strategy, evil bots are as likely to attack friendly bots or friendly bases as they are your tank.
The enemy bases are comprised of concentric rings of armor organized into units. You must hit the inner core to destroy the base.
Simple round explosions will destroy anything in their paths, creating the potential for long chain reactions of destruction -- something we find particularly satisfying provided you are not one the things in its path!
Power-ups appear thoughout the maze. Some appear only after you have destroyed a certain number of bases. They have different properties which will aid you on your mission. You will need to play the game to find out.
Shooting an enemy counts as 1 point. However, your per-enemy score increases by one for each base you destroy. If you have destroyed six (6) bases, you will get seven (7) points for each enemy that you kill directly or indirectly.
You will get a free life for each 1,000 points scored. A good time to rack up points and free lives is when most of the bases are destroyed but a fair number of enemies are still spawning. Spray them with bullets as they come, or let them consolidate in a congested space and cause a massive chain reaction event!
Get a high enough score and you will be able to enter your initials into the leader board database at the end of your game.
We hope you enjoy the fruit of this modest effort and look forward to releasing a far more elaborate version on console and maybe PC in the near future.